August 23, 2005

Itsyourturn down

I was at vacancy last week and affraid to lose my ladder games at itsyourturn. When I logged in to itsyourturn at monday, I saw terrible news - all of the users lost their games! Itsyourturn's server disks crashed.
So I wait impatiently for this service to work again.
They also started a blog about itsyourturn service repairing - itsyourturncom

August 16, 2005

Good to Great

I started to read Jim Collins' book "Good to Great". I'm very impressed of this book. Jim with his team spend several years to find why some companies are great and some are just good. He reveals many factors which differ one sort of companies from another.
I recommend you to read this book even if you're not a top manager.

August 10, 2005

Few words in honour of free software

I am very astonished at quality of free software.
Right now I'm using Mozilla Firefox. I also use Mozilla ThunderBird.

Then, few weeks ago I started to use Netbeans.

Apache is well known by its HHTP server, Tomcat and many more other tools.

All of these products are free. But in spite of this, they are remarkable by high quality.

It is incredible. I only needed to spend some money for OS (I use Windows) and then I can get most software for free.

I can say more, even MS gives us its compilers for free!

We live at programmer's heaven!