June 14, 2008

Rolling billiard balls in a palm

I've got a strange hobby - to roll billiard balls in a palm.

Like these ones:

About 10 years ago a colleague of mine taught me how to roll 2 small metal balls in a palm. This trick interested me so I found some balls from big ball bearing and started my trainings.

Some time later I found myself not satisfied with these small metal ball. I found slightly bigger stone balls and started trainings with them.

At the moment I stuck on billiard balls. They're big enough and pretty easy to find at stores. They also much more robust than stone ones.

Since I wanted to advance in this strange hobby, I started to roll 3 balls at once. I even try to roll 4 of them.

There're some things I'm interested to know -
Where this hobby come from?
What is the history of this skill?
Does it help to my health or whatever else?